Senior Psychology major Sylvana Burno said she studies for finals by teaching her parents the material she’s learning.
“The best way to study is by teaching someone else,” Burno said.
While not all students engage their parents in study sessions, most are busy preparing in their own way, as finals week approaches. Final exams begin on May 8 and run through May 12.
The students in JRN 200 Basics of Journalism interviewed about a dozen people to find out how they’re preparing.
Study, study, study
Most had plans to put aside time and study; Their tricks varied from making flash cards to reciting details outloud.
Sarafinah Kolaski, a senior event management major, said she studies by creating Quizlets and pacing herself when writing essays.
“I try to have good time management each day, where I focus on working on each thing,” Kolaski said.
Ludin Orellana, a senior communication major, said he gets good sleep and creates to-do lists.
“I have to list everything. I’m big on writing down exactly what to do first and next. It helps keep me on track,” Orellana said.
Terieze Naylor, a sophomore biology major, said he uses previous materials, old exams, and flashcards to prepare for finals. He said he works in his dorm room to get complete focus.
“That’s where I am most comfortable,” Naylor said. “I get to be myself.”

For many, studying is better done with others.
“I’ve been meeting with my professors one-on-one so they can help me study, especially for my music class,” said Lincoln Carroll, a sophomore music major. “That final may be tricky.”
Haley Deller, a freshman communication disorders major, is using the resources at the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services.
“I’m really nervous for my Math 106 exam so I’ve been going to CASAS, where they help me study and learn the material,” Deller said. “On my own, I’ve been reviewing homework and studying.”
A sophomore at SCSU, Lendy Segura said he looks back at his notes and meets with others.
“Group study sessions help,” said Segura, an information systems major. “Asking other people what I don’t know.”
Christian Minaya, a graduate business major, has to get himself ready – and also the people who live in Hickerson Hall, where he is hall director. He prepares by running group study sessions.
“Being a hall director it’s more about getting everyone I’m in charge of ready on top of getting myself ready,” Minaya said.
Self care is key
Finals being a stressful time, many students said they try to just take care of themselves in order to do their best.

“Stress hormones make it harder for you to retrieve memory,” Burno said.
Colleen Wilson, a junior psychology major, said over the last three years, she has learned the best way to prepare.
“Organize everything in advance,” said Wilson. “Sleeping well and meal prepping is crucial for expanding your energy.”
Derek Story, a senior communication major, is heading into his last round of finals before he graduates, and is trying to keep a clear mind.
“Stay away from anything negative,” said Story. “No video games, no social media: Refrain from anything distracting you.”
The following students contributed reporting to this story:
Ashley Aguilera, Abiba Biao, Charles Cairo, Gillian D’Costa, Sam Egan, Bryce Garvey, Ian Puebla, Maddy Reyes, Emily Rodrigue, Gianna Rosamilia, Dajae Rose, Caleb Rutherford, Phoebe Schechner, Solé Scott, Taryn Simmons and Jonaya Thornton-Bey.