This story was reported by Courtney Luciana and Meagan McAdams as part of Southern’s Multimedia Journalism course taught by Jodie Mozdzer Gil. The reporting was part of an interactive map detailing businesses in the New Haven area.
Mark Landsoff says he started attending The Grove after his business shut down its offices.

The co-working space on Chapel Street in New Haven is a 24-hour collaboration spot for entrepreneurs, freelancers or anyone looking for an office away from home.
Landsoff said appreciates the open space not only to elevate his business but for personal reasons.
“I missed having an environment that was something other than my kitchen and my cat,” said Landsoff.
The Grove sets itself apart from other co-working spaces, according to Christina Kane, the director of culture.
“What sets us apart from other coworking spaces is that we are a unique, collaborative community, and our specialty is hosting office services that help entrepreneurs succeed. You’re not only getting free coffee and wifi, but also connections,” said Kane.
For example, someone starting a business may need a graphic designer or help building a website.
And the pancakes don’t hurt. Kane cookes pancakes for all those who attend every Tuesday morning. (See video below.)
People who attend The Grove said they enjoy working in a collaborative environment where it is possible to to be taken seriously as an artist, business owner, or writer whereas in any other co-working space one is most likely just to remain as a person rather then to identify themselves by name, art space, or business module.
Elinor Slomba is the Owner of a business called Arts Interstices. She helps inspiring and local artists get their art out there for people to see.
“Sometimes businesses need artists in order to solve certain business problems. One of my clients has a hotel that is struggling to get clients to stay for more than 30 days. That can be hard in a generic environment. So we try to make it feel more like home by bringing in local artists and their work to surround them with rotating art exhibitions and different creative events,” said Slomba.
Slomba gets art to put on The Grove walls and is able to connect artists with businesses that do work in The Grove. The art that is up is constantly changing and allowing more artists work to be seen.
See more details about Slomba’s work in the video below.
Featured image: A quiet morning at The Grove on Chapel Street in New Haven. Courtney Luciana photo.