Shelton remembers the Great War

By Dylan Havilland, SCSU Journalism student Dylan Haviland, a journalism student at Southern Connecticut State University,…

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How Oxford Honors WWI Soldiers

By Karlie Borges, SCSU Journalism student Karlie Borges, a journalism student at Southern Connecticut State University,…

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Capstone students present work

The students in the Journalism Capstone course presented their final projects at a public forum Monday,…

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SCSU SPJ named Region 1 Outstanding Campus Chapter

The SCSU SPJ chapter won the Region 1 Outstanding Campus Chapter Award for 2015-16. The award…

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TV News video magazine features student athletes, Meriden development, and Prince

Students in Television News Workshop (JRN 311), led by Professor Jerry Dunklee, produced a 22-minute news…

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Southern campus addresses tobacco free confusion

Journalism students in the News Writing course, under the instruction of Prof. Cindy Simoneau, reviewed two…

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Southern students speak: Which candidate do you favor for president?

The journalism students in Multimedia Journalism interviewed Southern students on March 7 to find out which…

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A sense of community for all

Journalism students in the News Writing course, under the instruction of Prof. Cindy Simoneau, examined where…

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